Sunday, September 30, 2018

Room 303 News: 10/1/2018

Weekly Updates and Reminders: 
  • Daily folders (black) and gray reading folders are to go to and from school each day.  Reading logs are to be filled out at home to log their 20 minutes of nightly reading.  We will be starting the daily reading logs next week.
  • Assignment Notebooks (planners) are to be signed or initialed every evening by a parent.  Thank you for taking the time to check your child's planner.  This is a great way to start a conversation about learning if you review it with your child each evening.
  • Please always email BOTH teachers if you have any questions or concerns.  
  • Have you signed up for REMIND 101, our classroom text notifications yet?  This is a quick and easy way for us to send you simple reminders.  Please text to this number 81010 then text this message:  @24gg24
  • Happy Birthday to Srishtitha and Mrs. Dunphey on October 6- they share the same birthday!

Image result for running shoes

The Funky Fall Fund Walk and Color Run is our one and ONLY big, annual PTA fundraiser that provides the funding for our PTA to offer fun activities and resources for our school.  During the walk we will have color stations set up on the walking path where our PTA volunteers will squirt students with colored powder as they run through. We are recommending that students wear an old tee shirt or a plain white tee shirt that day. They may also bring an extra set of clothes to change into after the Color Run.

Please register online at the "The Get Movin’ Crew" to create your child’s FREE fundraising page.
  • Click on the star icon on the lower section of the page that says “Register Your Child”. 
  • Fill in the blanks to create a Parent Profile and then add your child(ren). If you used the online system last year, you will be able to use the same email and password.
  • Share the fundraising page with family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers through email, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media. This is done directly from your child’s fundraising page.
  • Online pledges can be made using major Credit/Debit cards including Mastercard, Visa, American Express, and Discover.
Our goal is to have all pledges in by the day of the Fund Walk, but we will keep the online pledge pages active through the end of the day on Friday, October 12th.  All prize winners will be determined based on the combined online, cash, and check pledges that are received by Friday, October 12th .

 This coming week we will finish Unit 1: Math Tools, Time and Multiplication, complete a study guide in class on Tuesday and take the unit assessment on Wednesday.  I will also email you a blank study guide if you'd like your child to complete it at home for extra practice.

Social Studies:
In Social Studies, we began our Michigan Government Unit.  We will focus on the purpose of government as it relates to Michigan citizens.  Our first lesson began with a story of a fictional island of Westerly wherein the residents had no laws or local institutions to maintain the common good of it's citizens.  Students identified possible problems Westerly residents encountered daily and decided that state laws were necessary for the common good of all people.

In Science, our focus question to guide student thinking was, How much water can a dry sponge soak up?  In this experiment we used a pan balance and gram pieces to accurately find the mass of a dry sponge and the mass of a wet sponge.  Next, students had to subtract the mass of the dry sponge from the mass of the wet sponge to figure out the total mass of water a sponge could soak up.    

Word Study/Grammar:
This week in grammar, we are focusing on "beginning 2-letter blends with S and Linking Verbs."  Their grammar packet is always due on Friday.

We have started brainstorming and drafting for our Personal Narrative Writing.  The students chose their topics and have been "writing up a storm!"  Once they are able to get a lot of their ideas on paper, then we will focus on specific aspects of the Narrative Writing Rubric- like introductions, transition words, etc.  The students will be evaluating their own writing, along with the writing of others to really familiarize themselves with the rubric.


Last week the students took the online i-Ready Reading Assessment.  This diagnostic is given three times a year- Fall, Winter, and Spring. Each diagnostic, there is a certain cut-score that the students are expected to achieve.  If they do not achieve the cut-score, they will be put on an Individualized Reading Improvement Plan.  I will be sending home a report on how your child performed on this first diagnostic.  If your child needs an IRIP (Individualized Reading Improvement Plan) then I will be contacting you to set up a meeting so that we can go over very specific goals for your child in reading. This year, we are having the students keep track of and record their scores, set goals, and celebrate their achievements.  We are hoping this will create more student ownership and accountability while taking this diagnostic.

Next week we will continue our work of "Building A Reading Life."  We have really been examining our reading logs to look for patterns and set goals for how we can improve as readers.  We also read the story Strictly No Elephants.  It's a really cute story about friendship.  The students did a written response about the theme of Friendship.
Image result for strictly no elephants

Room 303 News 05-13-19

Weekly Updates and Reminders All costumes (Native American or Pioneer) are due to school by Monday, May 20.   Please let us k...