Sunday, September 10, 2017

Welcome to Room 303!

Image result for welcome back to school clipart


School Supplies
    Hopefully you received the third grade school supply list.  If you did not or misplaced it, please let us know. 

  On each day of school, we will have one snack in the morning.  Please make these snacks nutritional, such as crackers, granola bars, fruit, vegetables, muffins, dry cereal, bagels, etc.  Please do not send in candy, chips, etc.  Water bottles are accepted but must stay in your child’s backpack. We ask that only “pop top” bottles are brought in as they don’t spill as easily.  We have a drinking fountain in the room as well.
  Birthdays are special days.  We would like to make your child’s birthday a meaningful one. As a class, we will sing and celebrate with your child and they will have special privileges and jobs throughout the day (line leader, etc.).  Your child may bring in a birthday treat to celebrate with the class; we have 23 students in our classroom.  We look forward to celebrating your child’s special day! At the end of the year, we will do something special to honor our Summer Birthdays.

Lunch Procedure   
  It is important that your child knows if he or she is purchasing or bringing a lunch from home each day. If you send lunch money to school with your child, please put it in a baggie or envelope (clearly labeled) in your child’s daily folder and we will be sure to send it to the lunchroom.
   If you would like to pre-pay for your child’s lunches for the month, please feel free to send in the money or check (payable to Walled Lake Schools) at the beginning of each month, we will turn it into the lunchroom. You also have the opportunity to pay online as well. 

FAPES (Music, Art and Physical Education) Schedule
Monday:  BLOCK Recess:  1:50-2:50
Tuesday:  PE  2:15-2:45
Wednesday:  PE and Music12:25-1:25
Thursday:  PE and Media  12:45-1:45
Friday: Music 10:30-11:00      Art 1:35-2:35
LUNCH is 11:25-12:05

Conferences/Parent Communications   
   A report card will be sent out three times throughout the school year.  Be sure to make sure that you are all set up on Family Access as all report cards are sent electronically.  We would like to meet with every parent during parent-teacher conferences to discuss your child’s progress and goals.  These conferences will be on Thursday, December 14. You will be able to sign up for a time electronically as the date approaches.  Additionally, please do not hesitate to contact us, if you feel that we need to discuss any matters concerning your child throughout the year.
  We will keep you very informed of what we are learning in the classroom.  This year we will be utilizing this blog for all of our communication.  We will also be using REMIND 101.  Please see additional handout to learn how to join our class. 

Daily Folder/Assignment Notebook
  We have provided each student with a daily folder.  This folder is the key to daily parent/teacher communication.  This folder will go home with your child every night with homework on one side and notes/graded papers on the other side.  Please take a look each night at the contents in this folder and empty it nightly. Please have your child bring this folder each morning.  If you have any notes or messages for us, please put them into the folder. Part of our morning routine will be for your child to empty the contents in their folder (homework, notes, etc.)
  Each student is also given an assignment notebook to help them reflect upon their school day, what they learned, and what homework they have for the next day.  We will fill these out as a class at the end of each school day.  We ask that you sign your child’s assignment notebook each evening.  Every morning we will stamp your child’s notebook with a “good job” when it has been signed by a parent and we will also stamp it at the end of the day to ensure that the planner is filled out completely.  These are a great tool to help the students with organization and responsibility.
Behavior Expectations
  We believe that high expectations yield high results. Our school has embraced Conscious Discipline as our school-wide behavior plan.  This program focuses on teaching appropriate behaviors and working together with students on conflict resolution when problems do arise.  This plan will be embedded in our everyday language within the classroom and the students will learn many lifelong tools in dealing with others.  If students are having a difficult time making good choices, we have a reflection sheet that will be sent home in their Daily folder explaining what occurred in class (or on the playground).  We ask that you please read through this with your child, talk about it, and then sign it and return it to school the next day.

  We require that all students read for at least 20 minutes each night.  They will also often have a math home link which will reinforce the concept that was taught that day.  There will not be homework on the weekends. Students will also be given 10 spelling words that they will need to study throughout the week to prepare for the test on Friday.  Check your child’s planner each evening to see what assignments they have due the next day. 

Family and Friends Board
We are asking each child to bring in a picture of their family and/or someone special in their life to school.  Starting a new school year with new teachers and unfamiliar faces can sometimes be scary and these pictures often bring comfort. 
    The key to a successful year is open communication.  Please do not hesitate to contact us throughout the year with your questions or concerns.  We ask that all emails regarding any questions or concerns be sent to both teachers and we will respond promptly.  Thank you for your cooperation and support.  We are really looking forward to a great school year.

  Mrs. Carley Dunphey
  Mrs. Therese Woolworth    


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