Monday, December 18, 2017

12/18/17 Room 303 News

Weekly Updates and Reminders:

  • We are so excited for our Holiday Celebration.  We will have a Pajama and Pancake breakfast, along with a book exchange and a craft on Thursday, December 21.  Please turn in your book ($5 limit) for the Book Exchange as soon as possible.
  • There will be no school on Friday, December 22-Tuesday, January 2 due to the Holiday break. School will resume on Wednesday, January 3.
  • Last Day for the BookFair is Monday! Did you know there will be a family shopping night on Monday, December 18th from 4-8PM?  

We will be having our Unit 3 Assessment this Wednesday, December 20th.  Look for the study guide on Monday.  

Social Studies:
This week in Social Studies students identified Michigan counties on a map that are well known for growing agriculture and raising livestock.  We color coded the map, then analyzed our work.  Students recognized that the west side of the Lower Peninsula grew the majority of crops as well as raise livestock.  Our discussion continued with how location determines why certain crops are grown in certain locations within our state.  We discussed climate as well as soil.  Finally students worked with a team to create a menu (appetizer, main meal and dessert) of food grown right here in Michigan.  What a fun lesson!

Students really enjoyed water coloring and creating cute penguins out of construction paper.  I linked this art project with our water unit because we were talking about why ice floats (ice has less density than water) and then of course we began talking about animals that live on icebergs.  Students then decided to use this project to teach the rest of Wixom students what we learned by writing one sentence in a speech bubble...hence, TALKING PENGUINS!  

This Week in Word Study and Grammar:
We will not be having Grammar and Word Study this week.

The students have continued to work on their expert writing.  We have been exploring different topics that they know a lot about.  We are also examining a topic as a class (cockroaches!)  so that I can model to the students how to take notes, determine importance of facts, write paragraphs, create headings, etc.  The students are super excited to begin working on their non-fiction mini-books.

We have started Informational Reading!  The students have had fun exploring the purpose of the many different text features in non-fiction books- such as Table of Contents, Headings, Subheadings, Pictures, Captions, Bold words, Glossary, Index, etc.  We are also spending time learning about Informational Text Structures.  We are reading articles with these different structures to really examine the way it is used and how it helps us to learn new information.

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Room 303 News 05-13-19

Weekly Updates and Reminders All costumes (Native American or Pioneer) are due to school by Monday, May 20.   Please let us k...