Tuesday, January 16, 2018

1/12/2018 Room 303 News

Weekly Updates and Reminders:

  • Welcome Back!  We hope you all had a wonderful holiday break and Happy New Year!  Thank you to our many parent volunteers who made our Pancake and Pajama Holiday breakfast such a great success.  The students raved about the delicious pancakes and we all had a great time.

  • Parent Teacher Conferences will be this Thursday, January 18th.  It will be a half day of school.  Dismissal will be at 11:09am.  Conferences will be held from noon-8pm.  We will be sending home a note confirming your time on Tuesday.  We look forward to meeting with all of you.
  • Remember to send snow pants, hats, gloves and boots with your child each day. 

We are really enjoying Unit 4:  Measurement and Geometry.  In this Unit, children are looking more closely at units of measure to measure to the nearest half inch.  They used different tools to measure many objects around the room.  A particular favorite was using a yard stick!  Students have also been exploring geometric attributes of polygons and classifying quadrilaterals into categories based on their attributes through many hands-on activities.  We are truly having a great time learning!  This week we will begin to secure our understanding of perimeter and area by measuring the perimeters of polygons.  

Social Studies:
Image result for michigan map of ski resorts
In Social Studies we will continue to look at Michigan's geography as it relates to our economy.  

To introduce the Motion and Matter Unit students participated in a Visible Thinking Routine called, Think - Puzzle - Explore.  This routine helps students connect to any prior knowledge of the content, stimulate curiosity for the new learning as well as lay the groundwork for independent inquiry.  The unit began with investigations with magnets, which created a high interest in all our students.  They couldn't wait to begin!  Specially, this unit provides students with physical sciences' core ideas dealing with forces and interactions, matter and its interactions and with engineering design.  Magnetism and gravity are the forces students explore as they look for patterns of motion to predict future motion.  Below are several pictures of students working with magnets and paperclips!  They were absolutely fascinated with magnets as they worked with their science teams through a number of activities.  Check out the floating magnets and paper clip!  Such experiments lead to learning about magnetic poles and magnetic fields as well as the force of gravity!  

This Week in Word Study and Grammar:

We continue to work hard at becoming non-fiction reading and writing experts.  The students have been learning how to take notes and organize their information into Boxes and Bullets.  They are writing about a variety of topics that they already know about. I have also printed other resources for them to take notes on to learn even more about their topic.  They are excited to begin turning their notes into paragraphs!

The students are really enjoying our Informational Reading Unit! We continue to learn about the different text features in non-fiction books.  The students are getting good at pointing them out!  We have also learned about the different text structures of Description, Problem/Solution, Compare/Contrast, Cause/Effect, and Sequence.  They are also getting better at finding these structures in text as well.

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Room 303 News 05-13-19

Weekly Updates and Reminders All costumes (Native American or Pioneer) are due to school by Monday, May 20.   Please let us k...